
When you consider the degree of mental enslavement required to conclude that God will be displeased if she smells a candle, whatever happened to that woman is genuinely tragic.

Every now and again, a large asteroid or some such object buzzes this planet, and although nothing's serious like that has hit Earth since humans have been around, one did totally fuck up the dinosaurs.

It's not just that the space program gave us dreams. It was the engine for enormous growth throughout the physical sciences, from the basic science research that shaped technologies we now take for granted (not least of which is this box I'm typing on), down to primary-school kids' science education.

Who is that woman? She has an amazing voice.

The made-up animals in The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou might also have been on the list.

African slaves brought to America, he argues, were essentially lucky: "Africa, like any other pagan country, was permeated by the cruelty and barbarism typical of unbelieving cultures."

Aside from everything else, both the photos and the captions assume that Americans as a group—not elites, but most people—were intelligent, competent and hardworking, and capable of being motivated by a good cause.

Sorry—hydrogen peroxide.

Your guy IS a hero, though. And you can tell him I said so.

What every pre-menopausal woman should know: Peroxide for blood stains.

You know those marriages that end with the missus hiding in a shelter with a broken bone or two and not a dime to her name, after months or years of blaming herself for the way her DH treated her?

You want to remember, from the point of view of the Bachmans—epecially Marcus—that "pray away the gay" stuff worked just fine.

Honestly? From his POV, he probably figures that if he's managed to force himself to have sex with Michelle at least 5 times (1) and is otherwise celibate, then the "pray away the gay" shtick has worked for him.

By the same token, ladies who broke engagements were expected to return their rings. If I'm to believe what I read in Wikipedia, valuable engagement rings became more common when breach-of-promise laws started to fade from the legal code; as an engagement was no longer enforceable as a legal contract, the rock was

Yes—actually, a lot of people come here, to NYC, where it's rather easy to get an abortion.

Signor Ma-Vib, are you aware that doing all the domestic stuff usually puts women in the position of deciding what small appliances to buy, including fans? I know what fan I'm not going to buy.

" . . . what is talked about on the fishing boat stays on the fishing boat."

Must make it awfully hard for him to fit that stick up there.

Donohue, needless to say, is divorced.

I had a smart, well-intended boss whose micro-management was an extension of her OCD (for which she had been treated since girlhood). As annoying as she was, work wasn't near as frustrating for me as it was for her, poor thing.