
I've noticed that if you're from east of, roughly, the Continental Divide, you probably think of Mormons as some weird religion. If you grew up in the West, you likely think of them as people you went to school with.

Here it is:

People in the Midwest need a lot of things right now, but being the backdrop for a presidential photo op isn't one of them.

FWIW, "honey badger" (or "badger game") also refers to a rather old-fashioned grift in which a woman allows a man to pick her up (presumably in a bar), goes to his or her room, and starts to get down to cases, at which point either (a) the man passes out as a result of drinking (possibly combined with chloral

We're tickled that after two decades of friendship we proudly witnessed their marriage . . .

They don't care about the fetus either (you'll notice that these people aren't exactly knocking themselves out to make sure pregnant women all get good, reliable prenatal care).

Is anyone surprised by this?

Doers your uncle understand that ANYONE can buy kosher baked goods? Even the kind of people who eventually turned those goods into part of a ham and swiss on rye?

"So they had the abortion, and it really messed Steven up because it was a boy.

Most religious/parochial schools have specific rules of conduct/morality for their students and their employees.

Oh dear—what must it have been like for any black kids who were assigned to this cretin's classroom (as she claims she had)? Or those kids' parents?

Just my opinion, but the best reading for improving your social skills is Lord Chesterfield's letters to son (in public domain; available at, and its audio daughter site

It's not so much about contraception and abortion as it is about other people's sex lives.

1. Select a rich daddy who started or inherited a business.

"On my watch, controllers will not be paid to take naps," Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood says.

Obviously, I have no way of knowing this, but I thought possibly the kids who ate the marshmallows might have simply grown up around the sort of adults who tended to lie to them, whereas the the kids who abstained had found their folks to be fairly reliable. There's not much point in holding out for extra

Source, please.

The Senators are speaking for the record and for the sound bites the media will use.

I'm always astonished when someone says "well, people can always pay for [some critical service] out of their own pocket."

These life-of-the-mother exceptions are especially cynical when you think on how commonly these people flat-out deny that life-threatening pregnancy complications are, in fact, life-threatening.