
Having owned and loved both, I don't disagree with you, intellectually.

If it weren't for her crack-pot worst-mother-in-the-state, she'd probably be just another girl with no baby and a college degree.

Three new bills in Alabama would redefine "person" as "any human being from the moment of fertilization . . .

That "inquisition" (I think the word is "visitation") has nothing to do with American nuns' attitudes, mode of dress or piety.

So you're saying she's not a bigot, she's just humor-challenged? Could be.

I don't claim to be a big expert on Islam, but it's clear that the Muslim world is large and varied; only religious bigots think of it as a monolith.

Decades ago, my last year of high school, my family moved from Los Angeles to Boise. The girl who sat in front of me at my very first class there took one look at my star-of-David pendant and said "Ur yoo uh Jooo? Ah never met uh Joooo before. [Long pause] Have yoo evra heerd of [short pause] Jeeeesus?"

I'm sorry—are you actually suggesting that you know what it is to be a Muslim woman because you paraded around in a burka for a while? Oh, and Muslim women need your advice to live their lives?

I'm reminded of what Helen Gurley Brown said about this: When you get to the age where you stop wanting sex, you are officially old.

Twelve years old, beat up the Muslim girl, went after another girl's hair with scissors, assaulted a pizza guy . . . I'm not a psychiatrist and I don't know this kid, but don't some types of schizophrenia show up at that age?

Why did he even stick them in there?

Makes you feel sorry for the other girl. Even as a bully, her life must have been hell.

You know how, if you grow cardiac tissue in culture, it'll beat on its own?

The detail about most of the dead being teenage girls is the one that breaks my heart too—as, I expect, it did for those living at the time.

You can reasonably assume that if people attend any campus of the U of California and their folks live close enough to show up on the weekend to see how they're living and do some mom stuff (like laundry and a home-cooked meal [1]), then they're not only Americans, they're California residents (in the legal sense) and

You can reasonably assume that if they're attending some campus of the U of California and their folks live close enough to show up on the weekend to see how they're living and do some mom stuff (like laundry and a home-cooked meal [1]), then they're not only Americans, they're California residents (in the legal

I'm trying to think of what I could say that would logically follow after opening with "I'm not racist, but . . ." that wouldn't be racist. (Especially if what followed was about a race that wasn't mine.)

If you're going to come to UCLA, then use American manners. . . . Hi, in America, we do not talk on our cell phones in the library . . . So being the polite, nice American girl that my mama raised me to be [1] . . .

That its owner was the second Supreme Court justice to be impeached—right after Scalia.

Eat an apple.