
I don't get it either. Presumably half the voters in this idiot's district, and probably his mother are women—has he never met any of them?

This law could only makes sense to someone who honest-to-God, no hyperbole, believes a miscarriage happens more-or-less like: You're just sitting someplace, minding your own business, you get up to do something—and there's a fully formed dead baby under you, right on the couch (or car seat)! (And because (so Franklin

Uh, we're all pro-life. Could you be a little more specific?

He got that work ethic from his dad.

And Jerry Nadler!

Rush is right. Americans who want to lose weight should do it the way he did: getting strung out on Oxycontin.

Is there supposed to be a link here?

The anti-union types, the Tea Partiers, even guys like Walker—does anyone know if they tend to hold, or to have held, regular jobs? Not that they're necessarily lazy people, but as a group, they seem remarkably naive about what it's like to work, to compete in a job market, to have to get up earlier than you'd like 5

I learned to cook because when I was 14, my freshly-divorced mother insisted that my sister and I take care of the domestic stuff. It wasn't particularly onerous as "chores" go, and I didn't poison my family or anything while learning how.

I am the daughter of an industrial-grade prude, and no, it didn't go well.

Okay, I understand that some voters are pro-forced-birth, and that many of them are quite rabid on this point.

. . . there are people out there who say this is proof that women shouldn't be allowed to join the military.

Old news, but for connoisseurs of this sort of thing, check out any Yahoo comments thread for any story about the FLOTUS. It's like walking in a sewer.

When these people talk about female sexual dysfunction, do they mean not being able to reach orgasm at all, or just not being able to do it during penis-in-vagina sex? It isn't clear from the linked story.

There's a line in American jurisprudence (I think it's from Marbury v Madison but IANAL) that refers to matters upon which "reasonable people may differ." This is how we tend to treat this issue, and the people who disagree with us.

The part where you tuck all the linens for changing one bed into a pillowcase is good.

This could not suck more.

@AristotlesCrab: The most vocal anti-choicers are, of course, those who are most ideological and believe the rights of the fetus trump the reproductive rights of women.

@Stephanie Muñoz-Viamontes: That "I'm older than you, so I know what's what" crap is a sign of someone who has no real evidence to support their position—a truism that will become increasingly clear to you as you approach this woman's age. (1)

@Erda-in-exile: Like with climate change, or with Obama's citizenship, the issue here is not differing perspectives, it's willful ignorance from one side.