I may steal this idea.
I may steal this idea.
Here we go...HOA debates incoming.
Why not park in front of their house?
I can understand his frustration. My neighbors have 5 cars for a 1 car driveway and are always parked in front of my house...which whatever I don’t care more of the time. It’s when garbage night comes that it’s annoying. They pull so close to my driver that it’s either leave the garbage & recycling cans in front of my…
Little Finger disagrees
Fucking Excel help!!!
Not a fan of Buick, but I’d certainly consider this for my next family mobile. But I love wagons...V60 Polstar wet dreams over here.
Okay so 2025. Assuming 45 doesn’t go full on dictator (big assumption I know), he’s out by 2024 (or 2020 hopefully). Couldn’t whomever is next just reverse or change this policy (assuming it’s not a 45 replica asshat) before the funding ends?
I’m guilty of the trying-to-fool-you-with-specific-questions sometimes. But my usual question is what is/was your favorite part of today. Does that count? Come on say, no. I’m cool right?...right? Hello? Anyone there?
Yes, it was very obviously that I thought she was pregnant. Awkward for all involved. /facepalm
This has been my strategy for 10 years. After asking a non-pregnant woman if she would like to sit and realizing she wasn’t pregnant. Now I simply get out of my seat and hope they take it if they need it.
I wish I didn’t know anything more about pillar-man. That way he could have stay just pillar-man forever.
I wonder how many Fox producers come here to troll.
Lol. And it’s not even a good troll. A 1/2 decent troll would at least attempt to inflame you with a semblance of an argument.
They are aware that Hispanic & American Citizen are not mutually exclusive groups right? Oh right Fox News....never mind.
Regardless of whether they have a legitimate reason for replacing her on the mission or not. They should have seen the optics on this look terribly racist.
I’d say it has more of a Shooter Mcgavin feel to it. You know Brady promised that ref a mandate or something like that.
The crashing came from reckless driving and is therefore the causation. It is possible to do reckless drive/dui without crashing. However, the probability of fatal crashes reaches an unacceptably high threshold. And thus we legislate against such behavior in order to reduce the risk to the general public and deter…
Yeah...seemed more like he couldn’t pull his gun in time.
Guy filming was on a nazgul.