
In NYC, wreckless driving is a $100-300 ticket with a $70 surcharge. Its not an ungodly high price tag.

Guy filming was on a nazgul.

War on drugs is punishing people for things they do to themselves. Reckless driving can be victim-less, but it can also take the life of other innocents. So not really the same.


I would says it’s more the war on drugs...but that’s just me.

You mentioned it, but it seems it was a high pedestrian/bicycle area. It’s sheer luck that he didn’t kill someone. So yeah, in this instance I think jail time warranted to send the message that they are not fucking around here.

I mean, it depends on the road he was on. 90 in a 25mph road is deserving of jail time. 90 on a 65 is not.

It’s the paradox of tolerance:

and Jets fan

I know I shouldn’t make fun of people for how they look. SHS cannot control the way she was born...but could she look anymore like a brow beating neanderthal? Just put caveman furs on her and bone in her hair and she’d fit right in.

Those fucking stickers...

Good post. The part about letting them see your emotions really resonates. My dad recently had a stroke and cannot move his right side or talk now. While I’ve been very open about what happened with my 2 kids, I’ve completely contained all sobbing away from my kids.

“Now Mr. President, can you point out to me which one is a ball?”

I’m no pro here. My son is only 6 so not quite at real actual fighting age, but our message to him has been don’t hit, but you never need to allow someone to hit you either. Block, dodge, grab their arm, leave, even some pushing to prevent it etc... Still haven’t tested this approach out (that I know of). I cannot

Soooo which one to file the insurance claim damage...flood damage...hope they’ve got some good insurance.

Amen. If I see fucking descendants 2 one more time I may lose it.


For some reason, all these comments taking you seriously are really entertaining.