
Then this is where our issue is. I think that "the law should only protect people in cases where it's worth protecting them" is a rather raunchy way of looking at justice. And rather unjust.

And, to be clear because I'm not sure I was clear enough, laws exist to enforce the protection of rights.

Ok. Why? My original question was for logical reasons for *why* it shouldn't be illegal, and so far I've really only heard "Because this is how I feel". No offense, but, well, that doesn't answer the question.

I do not think it's a criminal act in and of itself.

p.s. If somebody has poked a hole in the condom and an unwanted pregnancy ensued, then chances are it's the guy who owns the condoms who did the sabotaging.....not the lady he's trying to screw.

I was very clear to specify what kind of deception I meant.

Okay well find me some evidence that women forcing men into fatherhood by stealing their sperm is a thing that actually happens beyond a couple anomalous cases.

I think STD transmission really is the closest, and I feel the same about that.

The worst case scenario for violent crimes like rape, kidnapping and assault is death - and social disruption due to family members taking revenge. That's worse than even a very big lie with very serious condequences.

There's no sexism against men. And doubt all you like but the studies are right there for you to read,.

In the case above, I suppose it comes down to whose condom it was and whose garbage.

Women aren't the ones who sabotage birth control.

Because I think the stakes are different

If you're not going to actually talk, I'll just ignore you. But to be clear, it sounds like your answer to "Why shouldn't lying about birth control be illegal" is "Because it's done by abusers!"

I think it might be reasonable for the law to take a "buyer beware" stance and say that everyone is responsible for ensuring birth control is sued, rather than relying on partners' claims.

And I'm not sure Facebook statements alone would be sufficient proof, but I'm not a lawyer.

I suppose you could argue it's sexual assault

And where would the unwanted child go?

It doesn't happen that way.