
Pst. Dawned.

Well, the entire discussion you're having is based on cynics giving Obama a hard time for taking so long to come around to being for same-sex marriage.

As a person who was born with the umbilical cord wrapped 'round my neck three times, and a color of deep blue/purple, and 7 days in intensive care (with the docs saying I'd always have drain bramage)....

She's part of the former Republican party, and is stepping down this year. Not part of the current Republican population.

Elizabeth Warren. Female, brilliant, politician. Democrat.

Quoting Shit Reddit Says in any attempt of a serious article about anything is like quoting Newt Gingrich in any serious discussion about the benefits marital fidelity.

So... we're going to add this to the dozens of other male memes? Yay, I guess? *shrug*

I'm so glad we're back to using sexism for comedy.

See above.

Last I heard, 90k or so.

As I understand it, DayZ is actually made by a game designer who works for Bohemia.

I don't doubt that Assange truly believes that the extradition has an ulterior motive.

Just because you were never *taught* something doesn't mean you're incapable of understanding it. Do read.

I'm sorry, but if you can't understand the *fundamentals* of programming (I mean the basic concepts, not any specific language), I will consider you to be whatever the computer version of illiterate is. Technophobic? Techno-incompetent?

I deleted my Facebook account. Easier that way.

My issue with the game isn't actually the online requirement.

I prefer the idea of RISUG. Fill the vas deferens with a goo that shreds sperm, but can (supposedly) be flushed from the tube to restore fertility.

No you don't. Unplug your internet. Steam works fine.

You must not have stayed to see ANY of the stingers. (Those are the short things at the ends of the credit sequences.)

Considering a great deal of social programming goes in to people's heads that fucks them up for their entire lives about things like sexual negativity, religion, or abuse, that they never ever can overcome without significant therapy, I'd imagine that the significant amount of social programming we all go through