
Ok. What the hell is that from?

Well, to be fair, it's mostly wasteland out here, so there aren't many places to ask directions *to*.

Actually, the whole reason the word 'Pentium' was ever used was because you *can not* trademark a number.

No one can "own" a number.

There's no use to yelling "Fire" in a crowded theater, no statement or content. That's why it's illegal: No actual message, and a danger to others.

Free speech. I can tell whom I want, what I want.

It's amazing to me how people who don't have any common ground with a group will frequently declare "the reality" of that group without actual understanding of that group.

Well, the fact that that's what it seems to you clearly indicates you *don't* read perfectly fine. And it's a fifty page article written by a lawyer who apparently defends people's first amendment rights.

Man, nothing. Anyone. Women who have had the same thing say it's worse than childbirth. Which is always a nice point to bring up when some idiot starts claiming that just because someone has two X chromosomes it means she's somehow 'better' than other people.

The kind of "idiot" who's a teenager who was raised by puritans, and never had anyone actually teach him the difference between accreditation and non-accreditation.

Passing a stone is still worse than both.

Tell ya what, why don't you just go and read this, it should help you comprehend a few realities: Link

It's like you've got a reading comprehension problem or something.

But we're not talking about *stopping* child porn, we're talking about ruining lives for youthful mistakes. Anyhow, my perspective is the one that lawmakers and parents of those involved support, so the argument is moot.

That's double-think.

Sorry, but "sexting guilt" (specifically stuff that involves pictures) is a special case in which child pornography laws never were written with exceptions for children taking pictures of themselves in mind, because the technology wasn't widely available.

Alright, fine.

Well, the demographics of the USA are 12.6% black, so if they're putting a black person on the covery once every 12.6 years, they're pretty much on par for population distribution.

"Should have stopped" is all well and good, but it doesn't change the fact that she gave consent. Verbally, explicitly, implicitly. This makes it not rape. (And have fun trying to explain how a 14 year old kid is supposed to know the intricacies of complex sexual negotiations that most *adults* don't even know.)