
Hypnosis works best in a communication medium you are comfortable with. The written word works for people who are familiar with reading, which leads to the interesting fact that people can actually be hypnotized over the internet via text-chat.

Making your mind up that you can't be hypnotized is, in itself, a suggestion they've made to themselves that makes it true. Just like any other suggestion of that type.

And it's entirely possible that either the sentience hadn't kicked in yet, or to her the concept didn't bother her. There *are* personalities like that in the world.

They're not a slave if they're non-sentient, which is clearly the *intended* design of the androids in question.

In non-American cultures, sexuality is not a negative thing.

The problem with the exaggerated claims is that they're also asking you to give them money.

This was actually something mentioned at the end of a series of children's sci-fi novels that started with a book called "My Teacher Is An Alien".

No. Terrrorism requires the credible threat or actual act of *physical* grievous harm or death. Mass rape. That sort of violence.

But remember: Prosecute American whistleblowers for speaking up.

Calling it anything-terrorism is wrong. Terrorism is a *dangerous* word now, because being branded one could cost you your rights or even your American citizenship if some legislators have their way.

Have you ever tried running on cobblestone in bare feet at that speed for multiple minutes worth of multiple takes?

No. Fucking no. You do not get to equate the internet equivalent of civil-rights-movement era sit-ins with the murder of thousands. Fuck. No.


Maths, apparently.

Ok. I'm a fucking straight male, and even *I* think James Deen is hot.

The issue with this isn't just "your private content" but the private content of every person who has shared it with you.

Most of these advertisers are running because of organized outcries on Reddit's /r/politics.

Some versions of Claritin (and other cold/allergy medications) have pseudo-ephedrine, which is what meth labs USED to use to cook methamphetamines.