
That's like saying a person can't say no to a sexual act if they want to continue having a relationship because there are thousands of people who will say yes.

Hmmmm.... true. I guess. It's still not "against women" though.

All courses and classes for computer programming used to assume that you had one processor. One very powerful processor.

For a magazine to sexualize violence against women in this way is frankly disgusting.

I used to sit in high school math class running the numbers that result in the calculated result for a sidereal day. Loved being able to come up with the proof of why we need leap years.

Remember, you may actually be a Will Wright fan, not a Maxis fan. And Will Wright left the company after they blocked his creative vision in Spore.

Maybe you missed what I said? Not being able to convince her to run again is not the same as being unelectable.

Seriously. They actually had the balls to ask for 18-24 MORE MONTHS to get Origin working right. They've already had SEVEN YEARS. Seriously. Google the history of Origin.

Except that Republican is "showing a conscience" and "no longer in a position to represent anyone" all in the same breath, so it's a bit like pulling a drowning man out of a lake three hours too late. Or, y'know, a corporation pulling support for SOPA/PIPA hours after the bill is killed. For example.

Naw, your data plan just dropped the connection is all.

So what, she played the party line in the past. Big fucking deal. That's what party members of whatever stripe are expected to do.

The trouble with media is that it believes the crap it hears from the GOP.

"Baggle" *snerk* Hahahahaha! (That was literally my response, out loud, reading your comment. In my room. Alone. To no one.)

Isn't that the prime timeline? i.e. The one where Abed catches Jeff's ploy (and his die)?

It sure would be nice if politicians represented *people* rather than a political party.

It is time for change in the way we govern.

Considering fetuses masturbate, I think we ignore that sexuality is a *human* thing, not just an adult thing. The issue is when someone with power abuses that power to exploit a child, not when a child does it of their own volition.

I'm not sure what the objection here is. "Comprise" is "made up of" or "contains within a scope".

The levels aren't that size. Try the demo.

I don't like the idea of exploring a beautiful tron-inspired world at my own pace from what vantage points I choose to view it from! Give me a limited experience and take away my control any day of the week! (Hint: This might be sarcasm.)