
It's certainly "untraditional" from a philosophy college course perspective.

Because the new one might not just add additional things, it might also take things away. Maybe. It's to give you choices.

Oh, the fact that you're willing to take the risk *for us* makes me feel much better about this.

Really? This list of countries with military leadership disagrees: []

And then when the military is the thing that's corrupt, and makes a power-play to overthrow the government in order to control the people... in your world, you're screwed.

They went naked?

This is no mistake.

In the original format, which I saw earlier, the watermark on the image was removed (or your site's broken #redesign format was obscuring it).

Just as a note, this image is blatantly stolen from the Penny-Arcade Report, thus illustrating the reason why the PAR was created in the first place: news blogs like Kotaku stealing, repackaging, and filtering information to use it as filler. []

That is also Rand Miller, who *also* creates worlds to explore.

Nice to see how the PC crowd didn't get mentioned. I see UbiSoft is still trying to kill that platform all by its quaint little lonesome.

It kind've is supposed to. It's associated almost exclusively with the aged once-famous bad-asseriest Psychonaut to ever live.

I thought we were calling it Obligation day now? As in... "Boy, that dinner sure would be more romantic if s/he weren't obligated to take you out" or "Boy, that day spent naked in bed sure would be more fun if s/he weren't obligated to have sex". [] (NSFW)

Wait, isn't this the group that dropped Pedigree dog food as a sponsor because they were too "pro-shelter animal"?

I own one. It's better than a hand, worse than condom-ed sex. Elaborate-to-use as fuck, though, unless you don't care about the temperature. Haven't actually tried it without warming it up first.

It won't cost *them* more money, it'll cost the woman/insurance company more money.

I think you underestimate the power of Puritanism.
