
I am the milkman. My milk is delicious.

Uhm. I'm pretty sure that the law is incredibly clear on this, and that any mass e-mailing *MUST* have an option to unsubscribe from it. It's part of the anti-spam legislation that was passed, what, a decade or so?

Music is math and science.

Damn, I wish this game was going to be available outside of Origin.

But it became obvious to me that men don't live through the female characters.

Wrong. All donators get the game for free. It's pre-ordering, except it's also funding the game.

The Magic Go Button they use to not spend centuries at relativistic speeds between systems.

No, the gravity slows the moon down.

This is how the Catholic church grows its power.

I've just never understand why so many people are invested in what women in particular are able to do with their bodies.

This has nothing to do with public funding, and everything to do with employing people who don't subscribe to their particular brand of magic.

The Catholic church has no right to deny an atheist, Muslim, or other religiously affiliated person working for them the same health care that every other company must provide.

Another Arrested Development reference. I really should try to watch this show before someone spoils it for me.

There is nothing in the news suggesting that even the prosecution is calling her a liar.

So... they *both* go to jail for having sex while drunk.

Wait, it hollows out your bones?

What the hell is with that picture?

Honestly, I'm wary of creating yet-another non-profit organization that we entrust with money that they don't necessarily have to use the way we want them to. Surely there's a better way?

people like y'all

This is not about "feelings."