I’d love to see Saga Frontier redone if only to see a complete version of it. It was notoriously unfinished and had a number of glitches/flaws, but I still can’t help but regard it fondly. It it’s core, it was still a fun game.
Bring a string, a pair of pliers and a battery-powered dental drill. Use the pliers to claim a tooth from each of your defeated opponents. Drill a hole through each tooth and thread them with the string to create a teeth necklace. Proudly wear your trophies. Believe in a smiling god.
Cheers for the info =)
Bummer. Well, thanks for the info! =)
Did Congresswoman Waters ever get an actual answer from Mnuchin, or did this just cycle again and again until everyone in the room gave up?
Howdy there! I’ve been a regular watcher of SidAlpha, one of the first people to break this whole Mauer business, for a bit over a year now. As a result, I also happened to discover this story from a very early point in it’s development.
That’s horrible, but I grinned anyway. Well played, pal. =)
Howdy! The header image for this article is showing up prominently in the sidebar of Kotaku, Gizmodo’s blog of all things video games. It’s a bit irritating seeing NSFW images like this, blurred or no, on an unrelated blog that shouldn’t have to display it.
I understand it’s a bit aside the point, but don’t tell a person when you’re reporting them. It doesn’t deescalate the situation or do anything else productive. If you’re trying to appeal to them to behave better, a calm “C’mon man, let’s just try to get through this game together.” has a way better success rate.
I wish I could star you more. :<
Sounds like a western, sci-fi-themed Attack on Titan. I realize that’s absolutely a oversimplification and probably not all that accurate, but hey. We’ve not got much to go by yet!
This exact thing threw me off really badly at the Blizzcon competition last year. I only ended up wating a single match because of that combined with the ui coloring making text difficult to read for me.
I don’t think there really has to be a right person/wrong person in this situation. They’re both horrible people being horrible to oneanother. :c
I feel the far more interesting tale here is how your friend discovered what moose piss tastes like.
While I’ve not really looked into it, I suspect the WilMA method accounts for this by having groups board together. For example, imagine a married couple. The husband is given a window seat, while the wife is assigned to the middle seat beside him. They both are assigned to the Window boarding group, as the wife…
But do the cartridges taste better?
Poor Secret of Evermore. Never saw a Japanese release, and it’s existence is still being denied to this day.
Dude! The case in that video looks exactly like the case I used earlier this month to build my own PC for the first time!
Thank you for clearing that up in a chill, friendly way. =)