
The XB1 will accrue its own .gif as time passes.

It's nice to see the reminder that in the end, Xbox One fans are gamers just like everyone else and aren't evil or stupid for picking it. Ditto for PS4/PC/Wii U (COME ON NINTENDO, SUPPORT THIS THING).

I get the impression someone other than Yoshida made the comments from PS today. Probably from the marketing department.

Your conversation with sonny turned out quite civil and classy indeed. Proof that it's better to hold our pitchforks and have a talk and not arguments.

That would be because the PS4 is a gaming machine first and foremost and isn't in the business of taking over your living room. The Xbox One is a living room hub device that also plays games very well. The two consoles have very different intentions.

Shit that's some good sportsmanship on both sides. They may be competing but so long as each console maker gets a good piece of the pie they can coexist.

By stroke of luck I managed to get a PS4 and a white Vita in an impulse buy on launch day. Needless to say I was both elated and financially devastated at once.

I've got 4 in my house.

That's awesome. I do kind of wish the PS4 had a day one edition engraved on it as well.

The console wars of course. Last gen the Xbox faction had the upper hand, but NOT THIS TIME says the PS army. The Nintendo empire seems to have fallen a bit from the war this time around, but the PC MASTER RACE has been making headway back into territories they once dominated. Of course, all of them have a common

I was highlighting the silliness of calling Kotaku biased towards anything. You jump first.

Because believing your best friend over doing your own research is so much better. Works both ways. Nice try at dismissing me though.

Works both ways. If you're just going to blindly believe everything told to you by your friend then your head is as firmly stuck in the dirt as someone who only believes what they read on the internet.

Lmao. I love your fanboyism! First it's "Kotaku hates Nintendo" (Wii, Wii U, 3DS), then "Kotaku hates Sony" (PS3 launch - first half of generation, PSP), and now it's "Kotaku is a bunch of Sony fanboys, they hate Microsoft!"

Education and social pressure are most definitely forms of force.

Sure we can, and we do. By criticizing people who don't exercise it and teaching younger generations.

Why not both decriminalization AND enforcement of personal responsibility?

And the people who buy drugs from these cartels will say 'that's your problem! I get what I want so I don't care about the consequences'. It is a sad world we live in.

My god gaming is reaching critical mass. Those YT comments...the comments on here...holy shit man, this is all out war.
