
You're pulling the 'you've missed the point!' card. I got your point, and I disagree entirely with it. My counterpoint: it is important to a lot of people, and they will discuss it where they can. If you don't like it, you probably shouldn't read the comments. You're not going to convince anyone by telling them what

You're calling the resolution difference unimportant, you got called on it by antimatter's reply, you responded by claiming you don't care, which is entirely bullshit because you wouldn't have posted if you didn't. I don't give a shit how many recommendations a comment gets, don't play that card. Your perception's

The place has its fanboys, but at this time there isn't a game site in existence that doesn't have a bias, and it's hardly the worst, not even close to it.

GAF was all about the 360 this gen, but now that they show a PS4 preference, they're a bunch of highschoolers? Right. Sure.

With an attitude like that, why are you on Kotaku? You'd be better served commenting on actual news sites. And is that the best you can do, insinuate that I'm a young boy? Nah, you're just making yourself look even more retarded. If you didn't care, you wouldn't have commented. You started shit and when you got called

"Not to any member of the human race"

I'm well used to it already. Enjoy rolling your eyes, you'll be doing it often.

For seeing that the discussion of power differences between hardware is a separate discussion from the fun factor of games, and cutting through the bullshit leaps of logic trying to spin them as not mattering in the case of the PS4 and XB1 when it was made a big deal of throughout the PS3/360 generation? Why yes,

It is to a lot of people. #Dealwithit


Square Enix is in tatters and everything they make is shit. Deal with it.

And don't forget Killzone!

Aah okay. Seems I didn't 100% my silver/gold files after all :p

Really? I'm confident i've 100%'d both silver and gold and could never find the other summon...

IIRC, no.


You are the opposite of me. Blue > Red, Silver > Gold (Lugia > Ho-oh), -didn't play d/p-, Y > X

Everyone has an X chromosome, those aren't special!

Haha man, you're terrible at this. Here, you can have the last word.

You've got a short memory. I pointed it out because I found it funny. You told him to go fuck off, but he'd already told you he doesn't give a shit about you so it had no effect on him.