
Nah, it was the one in which you told Eight Bit to go fuck himself after he basically told you he didn't give a shit about your opinion.

You and the rest of the FF fans can kiss my tiny moogle ass. lol. I didn't do anything but point out the irony of your rebuttal to the guy up there. You've been on the defensive since.

It shall be so until we're able to aim with our eyes.

Lol. You're going to have to do better than that to get under my skin. Keep practicing and enjoy the rest of your life.

Lol damn, you're trying way too hard.

This post is quite funny considering you were the first one to start shitting on people's parades.

You've listed only one of its definitions.

So to be against the consumer isn't analogous with being against consumer interests, you're saying. Sure, right, okay.

"Lovable idiot" so they say.

Pretty much. He's been written into eternal puberty.

I see your clouds and raise you a thunderstorm. WHERE'S YOUR SIGNAL NOW?

Anti-consumer, according to every dictionary in the English language, means 'against the consumer' or 'against consumer interests'. I'd say it was used accurately across the board.

Looks great for current gen systems, no complaints here.

Ah that makes sense now. Thanks


Oh that's pretty neat. Not sure how I feel about having to hold my thumb on a pad without the resistance of a stick, but it works.


It looks comfortable. My main concern is that I'll have to move my thumb back to center every time it hits the edge of the pad when I'm trying to move my character.

Oh lord. LOL

Welcome to the dark side!