
Gamers don't 'think' they've won, they have won. Period. Not just gamers, but consumers the world over. It's only the people who wouldn't have been affected by MS's policies, the ones who are angry that Microsoft decided to cater to the (much) larger demographic of people who like to have freedom with their discs

The PS4 was going to beat out the XB1 by a landslide not just because people aren't ready to switch to digital, but because the PS4 continues to give them the option of discs. Sony has its own plans for a digital future, but it won't be done by restricting consumer options, they're starting by improving PS+. They've

He views 'gadget geeks' as socially superior to 'gamer geeks', and says as much in a reply to me below.

Now playing

I've not once said I believe all DRM is bad, but you can continue thinking I do if it helps you sleep. Those shiny new options MS was planning are not worth the inability to privately resell, not as long as they continued to use discs. I too would like to see a digital future, but that time is not now, and you are

And there we go. Thanks for proving the point.

He looks down on gamers as idiots and believes people are sheep who don't know what's good for them unless big business tells them so. Just going by his OP post in this thread says as much, though his comments confirm and reconfirm it throughout his post history.

Lmao. Controlling used games is most certainly anti-consumer and as such is a bad form of DRM. You don't restrict consumers' options and expect to get away with it. You can call me what you like, you're not going to convince me that used games restrictions are consumer-friendly.

Nice non-argument there. Not everyone supports anti-consumer DRM. You'll continue to dance around that because it's convenient for you to do so. It's what you do.

Not everyone supports anti-consumer DRM, as you do. You like to dance around that fact though, don't you? And yeah, I like to investigate the idiots from time to time. I know how you post and what you use to deflect arguments.

You can keep repeating lies, it won't make your words any truer. You know nothing about me, but I sure know your post history. Try as you might, you're not going to be successful at twisting my words.

You are a supporter of anti-consumer DRM policies. Don't try and spin it otherwise. I support DRM such as needing to have the disc in the tray to play the game. You're not fooling anyone.

Looks like I spoke too soon, haha. This is going to be an interesting generation.

Yeow lol. Looks like we're in for one hell of a launch this holiday.

There's no point in trying to reason with magus-21. He's been an avid supporter of the DRM policies from the start, and will twist any words you use to his own narrative.

You sure made a negative impression :) your smugness has no limits.

Being disappointed in their showing of games doesn't necessitate pre-judging the dualshock 4 before you've even held one, but okay, I'll buy that you're not happy with them. Were you equally as angry at MS for their DRM?

No one you remember, clearly.

It's only on Kotaku that I've seen a MASSIVE resurge of MS fans coming out of the woodwork and crapping on the PS4 in light of today's news. It's the true start of the next console war I suppose.

Sorry mate, but the way it reads to me, you are a diehard MS fanboy. That said, thanks for not supporting the DRM. My only real gripe with you here is your cloying at Sony for no reason. Come on dude. Stop that.

Yeah no, your opinion on it is worthless until you hold one. You are a fanboy dude.