
"In a year they will be so similar everyone will forget these differences" Well, that just cemented my suspicions. Good day to you, corporate shill.

Yes I do, because the DRM is system-level on the XB1 and if they want to put it on PS4 they'll need to develop the system themselves. It's not asinine at all. What is asinine is your assumption that PS4 will have DRM because the XB1 has it. Further to ruin your assumption, single player games cannot be touched by any

The Polygon article is full of it.

When I look at what both are doing they aren't similar at all. The PS4 works exactly like the PS3, except for the pay wall which i hate. The Xbox One works nothing like that. You've said that being loyal to one company is folly yeah? Then why are you only attacking PS4 fanboys and not Xbox One fanboys? Your actions

I didn't swallow it no. I hate the online paywall with a passion and I think Sony are dicks for slipping it in under the radar at the peak of their hype. But that doesn't mean I'm going to side with the Xbox One over it, especially when they already require a paywall for services subpar to PS Plus.

I suppose in this case you're a true gamer, more so than me. I'm just not up for the Xbox One's method of dealing with games as services rather than products and can't cross that line, no matter what games appeal to me on the system.

I'm about 100% certain things will remain as they are with the PS3, but I know how you feel. 'Specially since Jack decided to answer in PR talk rather than layman. I hate business speak.

I'm pretty much the same as you. I buy the majority of my games from niche or small publishers like Atlus, who don't implement online passes. I bought Battlefield 3, but that's the first and last time I buy from EA, the map/expansion packs are insanely expensive and the base game feels incomplete.

Ah okay, so you're a contrarian. That clears up a lot. Carry on then!

It was said pretty explicitly; Tretton's response is convoluted and pretty idiotic to be honest, but the heart of it is that Sony doesn't have the authority to tell pubs they can't use DRM; they'll just have to do it without Sony's help. As it is, they won't be able to touch single player games with any DRM they may

I'm not 'hard core on one side' at all. If Sony pulled the same shit Xbox One did I'd abandon them in a heart beat. The fact of the matter is your post history is entirely about defending Xbox One/attacking PS4, and that's a big red flag that you're a shill. This isn't about me, it's ALL about you.

certain pubs will try to copy the X1 yeah; and we should all avoid giving those greedy fucks our business. They'll have no system level help from the PS4 though, unlike the Xbox One. And no matter what DRM they use they can't prevent people from reselling or playing single player games, they can only 'restrict'

Tretton's answer today was pointlessly convoluted, but the info that can be parsed from it says pretty explicitly that PS4 will work exactly as the PS3 as far as used games go. If pubs want to restrict them, they'll have to do that on their own with no help from Sony.

Pubs won't be able to enforce anything; there's no system level DRM on the PS4. If they want to restrict their used game sales they have to build their own software DRM. They could require 24 hour checks with it if they wanted to, Sony has no ability to tell them otherwise - if pubs do that, then we should avoid

Evan, I feel like the title is misleading. Pubs have always had 'final say' on used games with online passes, the PS4 does nothing different from the PS3 in that regard.

The Xbox One has built in DRM for publishers to use, the PS4 does not and pubs will have to make their own software-based DRM if they want to restrict used games; that's the difference.

You shouldn't be, because the PS4 is exactly like the PS3. Sony has given no system infrastructure for pubs to put in used games DRM; they have to make it themselves.

Wrong, they're keeping it exactly as the PS3. Pubs are going to have to invent their own systems (like online passes) if they want to restrict used games.

To be quite honest, your post history gives every indication you're a shill. I have seen no posts about anything other than Xbox defense or PS4 slandering throughout your entire post history.

Well, that tells me everything I need to know. Your worldview is clearly limited to your bubble of NYC.