
Wait! There’s a podcasting industry?

Comedy legends like Richard Pryor would’ve had a lot harder time being successful today, and that’s a fact.

Essentially: “You are not allowed to talk about my art unless you are heaping glowing praise upon it.”

It’s such a great juxtaposition between Maron & Phillips- One guy, who spent decades failing until he succeeded, and looks at adverse response as an opportunity to hone & improve. The other guy is Todd Phillips.

It’s always the dicks and misogynists who resent that they can’t be fucking assholes anymore, and then overstate the degree to which society is somehow “punishing” them.

Also, it’s not even edgy or provocative. Imagine being the dude who made ‘the Hangover’ and ‘Old School’ and thinking that your comedies were just, like, too edgy and in-your-face for modern society, maaaaaan.

Sorry not enough people thought your trans panic jokes were funny, Todd. I hear giant piles of money are good for wiping up tears.

There’s something really ironic about people who want to make edgy, provocative comedy and expect mainstream success and undivided acclaim for it.

Really glad he said this.  I know some people that listen to him who probably need to hear it.  

Which is why I think it’s important to bring impeachment to a vote.  Anyone who votes against it will forever have a black mark next to their name.  They can’t ever pull the “I was secretly part of the #Resistance” card if they voted against the one thing capable of stopping the orange dotard.

I fucking hate republicans.

Your argument is both intellectually dishonest and moving the goal posts. Making an exception for an emergency, especially for a kid, is something I don’t think you’ll find much disagreement with and is most certainly not the central tenet of the article you wrote or the ensuing discussion. 

I will once again restate this: Fuck anyone who tried to tell you that Hillary and Trump were “the same.” Fuck the people who voted for Jill Stein because they were too pure and noble to sully themselves with “transactional” politics. Fuck the people who when told that the Supreme Court was too important to throw away

That wasn’t your position. Your position was “go to whichever lav you choose, whenever you want.” Even though—through either paying more or traveling frequently—the people in first class paid more to have a less crowded lav.

What if I told you that on most flights, the only difference between the bathrooms in first-class and the bathrooms in coach is the location? Unless you’re flying internationally on a jumbo jet or something, first class bathrooms are exactly the same as coach bathrooms.  I just figured someone should tell you before

No worry.  Kavanaugh assured Susan Collins that he considered Roe, the law of the land.  And Kavanaugh wouldn’t mislead her.  And Susan would never be punked. Right?


Because Democrats don’t vote in local elections.

Dollar Store George Clooney. 

Have you seen his political coverage the last couple of decades?