
I don’t doubt that all the Mabels out there voted for Trump but 0.078% of the population hardly constitutes “a lot.”*

Was about to post the same thing. Is Rush Limbaugh 193 years old?

Dreadful take. I’ve seen Kate Mara in person and she is stop-traffic beautiful.

Agree with all of those, although in order of importance I would go 3, 2, 1. The fact that football is so violent that it can’t sustain a minor league/lower-division system (CFB is neither, since NFL teams have no say in what college teams do with their players) and people are now talking about outlawing pre-season

Curious what your three reasons are (to see if I agree with all of them or just some of them).

Don’t mind the audience, they’re just a little ruff.

Sifting through Trump’s actual convictions is a fool’s errand, akin to distinguishing between murder and manslaughter. Is he evil or merely careless? Who gives a shit, the end result (a dead person) is still the same. American Nazis have been given oxygen and relevance by this asshole and they’ve rewarded him by

With distractions like these it’s no wonder no NFL team will sign LeBron James.

A Friday, perfect, I might call in sick.

When is the Patriots WYTS coming out? I need to circle it in my diary.

I know a lot of people—some of them at this very site—aren’t fans of replay...

Also beware of would-be dongs to the face.

Thompson also has George covered in the Neither of My Legs Have Been Smashed Into Pieces department.

Man, Ken Rosenthal really needs a publishing platform ...

The cost of medical bills demolished the family, and they were evicted from their home in California.

Yep, bris is definitely the wrong spelling.

I wish I was on the air. It’s just so exciting.

Team Drew: all championship swag is ostentatious and obnoxious and should be burned.

+ 1 wish made.

When the Garden Was Leavin’.