
Exactly this. Every Republican primary debate for the past three (or more, who the fuck knows) election cycles has become a contest to see who can abolish the most federal agencies. Energy? Gone. Education? Gone. Interior? Gone. IRS? Gone. It makes me wonder what the fuck these assholes want to keep (lol, other than

This x 1,000.

Meh, he can’t land a backhand but he hits a reasonable forehand. That said, those pics belong in the FUPA Hall of Fame.

Yes, it’s very, very tough for white, conservative Christians to get an NFL contract.

This is perfect and should be printed out and nailed to the foreheads of every Democrat* in Congress who voted to confirm any of Trump’s nominees under the pretense of “Wah, We can’t fight every battle, wah!”

To the dude eyebanging the uneaten eggroll, how fucking bankrupt is the communication between you and your fiance that you can’t even ask about eating one of her appetizers? If you can’t communicate over food your marriage is fucking doomed.

It’s hysterical to watch the straws conservatives clutch at to justify themselves: religion, culture, politics. Their actual raison d’etre is this: looking out for themselves, fucking over people they don’t like, or, preferably, both at the same time. That is it. That is their policy position on literally everything.

His emails look like they were lifted from a YouTube comments section. Lower case? Check. Excessive punctuation? Check. Self righteous indignation? Check. Imagine having to communicate with this asshole for a living, Jesus.

Heaven Knows, Donnarumma thinks he’s Hot Stuff so when he finally Feels Love from another club and has his Last Dance at San Siro it’ll be No More Tears for Milan.

Much better!

This is smart, thoughtful analysis and has no business on the internet.

Again, I very well could be ignorant.

Can somebody explain to me how one school acrrued $2.5 million in expenses for playing one game of football?

This is smart, so surely betting agencies would void the result and just refund all outlays on any game that was abandoned?

It’s absurd watching these sportswriters turn themselves into pretzels to avoid the obvious. Strip away all their bullshit and here are the facts: a black quarterback who once started a Super Bowl began protesting this country’s racial injustices and then (probably) never played in the league ever again. I despair for

It’s completely inane, like every post-game interview, which always starts off with some variation of “how were you able to be so awesome today?” and only ever illicits “we just keep believing in ourselves” or some other drivel.

This comment reminded me to rewatch this, so I thank you.

Since it doesn’t seem to be the hardest thing in the world to find someone’s secret Twitter account, it seems like it would be more effective to hide in plain sight and just start a parody account of yourself. Nobody would guess @thatidiotadamsilver is actually Adam Silver.

I know it happens all the time with the Olympics (or at least used to) but has anyone ever boycotted a FIFA World Cup before?

Earnest ... tossed off fiery, radical lines like “I don’t agree with [Sean Spicer] ... but I’m rooting for his success.