Agree, he was one of two Bonds (Connery was the other) that actually punched women. I know the 70s was a different time, and Moore definitely brought a whimsy to the role, but still. Jesus.
Agree, he was one of two Bonds (Connery was the other) that actually punched women. I know the 70s was a different time, and Moore definitely brought a whimsy to the role, but still. Jesus.
... he told me the pitcher was rehabbing in Arizona and was not able to be reached.
The polo/sport coat look is a bad combination. You end up looking like a golfer or a hedge-fund asshole. Only real option is to go with a dress shirt, unfortunately. A t-shirt under a coat/jacket can be tough to pull off, too.
This is exactly why I love Deadspin.
... the bathrooms in New York’s Penn Station are a more pressing concern.
Got it, thanks. It got me thinking because Harrison looked pretty unsteady on the base since it was only his left foot on the bag and I wondered what would happen if someone called for time before falling off it.
Baseball question: how long does a baserunner have to stay on 2nd or 3rd before calling Time Out? Could a baserunner conceivably run through 2nd like they run through 1st and call for time the second they step on the bag?
Or the first base coach. Or his teammate on second. Or the dugout. How is someone not yelling at him that the third baseman still has it?
Totally agree, she’s very un-brick-throw-at-a-tv-able.
These bozos can’t protect the basket without fouling, and they can’t secure defensive rebounds at all.
Washington would be my next hope for him, a guy this self-absorbed belongs in the league’s biggest shitshows.
Please let Cleveland draft this guy.
If that’s the end result, I support this business model.
Rex Ryan: [reads article, cums]
The item of affluence growing up for me was soda makers. They were so rare in the 80s and for me it was like a friend’s family had bought an entire Coke factory.
I agree with Herman, burnt orange is a terrible, unhealthy color.