Such Loh-hanging fruit.
Such Loh-hanging fruit.
It can’t get any worse than being mocked by fans of a team just three* points clear of relegation. Just brutal.
It’s hard to underestimate how Gaze’s run with Seton Hall really put basketball on the map in Australia. The sport certainly had a profile before then, but I don’t think there was a single Australian in the NBA at the time, so to have Gaze starring in the NCAAs was gigantic in Australia at the time.
I’m waiting for the video of him beating a woman. I’m completely convinced he’s done so, I just hope there’s video of it. Ball *and* Trump, I mean.
When someone does it with me it makes me feel like that person is my slave. Which does not excite me.
This is one of the fascinating things coming out of this administration: their willingness to leak shit to the press. I imagine if you took a job with the Trump White House you’d be a complete ideologue with complete and utter disdain for the “lamestream media.” But these guys can’t seem to stop talking to the Post,…
When [Republican Texas representative Joe] Barton told Trump that he could probably support the bill, with a few changes, the president smiled and winked at Vice President Pence, who stood hovering over the Resolute desk, and Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price, who leaned forward to listen. As Trump…
The exchange, while kinda interesting, is completely unremarkable and it’s beyond absurd it became a Thing.
This entirely. Trump is such an effective communicator because he has the bulletproof, impregnable confidence that can only come from being a sociopath. He speaks with such certainty, he never umms and aahs, and the words just come flying out of his mouth so that - if you’re not actually listening to the words…
Yes, but would Everton supporters accept Jose Bautista?
Yep, Russia is developing, not developed.
No other country in the developed world so blindly and slavishly worships power and authority like this country.
I hadn’t heard it either, but then I reminded myself that humanity is garbage and someone somewhere - hell, probably lots of people, in lots of places - must be saying it.
That’s the thing that stands out to me. Maybe McCloughan has been drinking but there’s not a single other person outside the team’s front office who can corroborate the team executive’s claims. Not one. And this is a front office openly at war with McCloughan. The article is completely bipolar.
This is fair. And then during this conversation the guy goes and puts up 58, lol.
This is a fair point and adds some nuance to what I was saying. I saw an ESPN graphic on the percentage of points Westbrook is either scoring himself or assisting on for OKC and it is off the charts. I like him enormously and his season is objectively historic, but I just think we’re getting high on offensive numbers…
Agree, Westbrook is absolutely having an extroardinary season but does it need to be pointed out that defense is literally half the game? A guy who stops a guy from scoring two points has the exact same impact on a game as a guy who makes a windmill dunk that ends up on SportsCenter: he’s made his team two points…
Frank Rich was the canary in the coal mine for the NYT’s op-ed section.
I think about how tedious it must be for MLB players. You have to sit through that shit 162 times a year, plus 162 performances of God Bless America (do all teams do that, too? I think they do). Christ, that must get so old for them.
How do you simply cut to a commercial there instead of replaying it 900 times in a row as one should have? Holy shit!