
"We may need your permission to do things you ask us to do with your stuff, for example, hosting your files, or sharing them at your direction. This includes product features visible to you, for example, image thumbnails or document previews. It also includes design choices we make to technically administer our

It does... kinda. By that, I mean that if you are logged into Office 2010 on computer A, you can set things like One Note to sync to other computers with Office 2010 on them via SkyDrive. I don't think that you can access those files via skydrive, though.

Also for SkyDrive

Not an issue. Those are the Section 106 copyright exclusive rights given only to the creator of a work. Without you granting them those rights, they could not operate as they do without being sued by someone.

I know, integration with the world's largest office suite should be the first thing listed there, not integration with one of the world's smallest smartphone OSs. lol.

Should probably mention that SkyDrive has Office and Office Web Apps integration.

Those aren't the same. That story talks about gel capsules, these are for solids.

"...the police HAVE no leads."

@ FragRev Yup, That one.

Watched this while the "Arena" Track from the Derezzed Tron album was playing on my computer. Very epic.

Not really, I think. Outstanding, as used in your context, means more like standing out in a sea of similar things. That's not what's going on here. There is not a bunch of damage going on around the nation, and this damage stands out as requiring attention.

I think you mean the damage is "astounding", not "outstanding."

Here.... I ... go... :::whimper:::

I LOVE the fact that the thing came BACK for a second pass on their ruined corpses.

So... mars is clearly a chick?

For what it's worth (selfish plug) I agree, and posted as much about 2 weeks ago: []

Touche, sir. Touche.

Keep fighting the good fight, G. But I don't think much will stick around here... :-(

When you ask it a question for which the answer is a perspective or opinion that's what you get. Asking questions about justifications for bad things, and religion are all perspective-based issues, so you get an opinion in return.
