
Easy: the money is in the subscriptions, not the bikes. Peloton gets to offload a bunch of refurba and cash in on a bunch of new, high quality subscribers.

I had to get a new engine put in my 2013 Santa Fe after it spun a bearing and died in the middle of the road last year. Only 40 thousand miles and only gave me about five minutes notice.

Wait, What? Are they wet?

Well, he has to set up a new career after Snow died at the end of the last book.

I was being sarcastic, sorry. It didn't come across very well... I'm super tired of folks getting this wrong too.

I was being a sarcastic gun-owner. ;-)

So, here's the deal. I'm tired of artists getting no credit on Giz and the majority of Gawker. While I realize you added it later, it was far too late. No credit, no post imho. Plus, where's the tech.

Having just set up a smart TV for the inlaws, trust me, you may not want it, but your parents will love it.

Answers: 1- Because the kind of reporting is highly subjective, interpretable etc, and yet is very expensive: costs the FTC cannot carry with shrinking budgets. Google's ability to fix the data is equivalent between the two, so no reason to do FTC-run oversight.

Maybe a better question to ask: Scott, what possible reason could the FTC have for giving Google, as opposed to the other companies you mention (in different industries, at different times in different situations), special, beneficial treatment?

It neutered a multibillion dollar patent portfolio. I think you missed something: just because it wasn't a nuclear response, doesn't mean it doesn't send a message, or isn't VERY effective.

Given that Texas is one of the few states doing VERY well these days, I wonder if there is something they know that we don't?

Really should add "Zombies, Run!" to the extended pack. I hate running, but for some reason, running from zombies to my own playlists and picking up virtual quest items to upgrade an anti-zombie base is WAY better.

No One Note, no buy, thanks.

As an evolutionary biologist and (loosely defined) Christian, I wholeheartedly agree. Too many people resist the possibility that maybe there is a sensical middleground.

I see what you did there... NICE.


You're right, I remember that now. And I think I would rather get a 360 instead of an iPod.

I meant as opposed to not getting that $100 otherwise, Since no windows laptop I have ever purchased included any kind of back-to-school bonus.

I look at it as ~three OS upgrades down the road from the app store, which is likely the upgrade lifespan of an Apple laptop. Not too shabby, and negates the OSX upgrade vs Win service pack argument. Stilll not an ipod though.