Modern Traditionalist

Okay, I did see this movie, after reading all the criticism about it and you know what? It’s a damn good movie, very enjoyable, and Rami Malek does an amazing job. I don’t think they make it look like his sexuality is why he died, but they don’t focus a lot on his death in general. They focus on his life, which

He doesn’t read anything that doesn’t have pictures of choo-choos in it.

I have a four year old. He thinks Batman, Santa Claus, and the Tooth Fairy are real. He eats play doh. He likes to rub his butt on the carpet because he sees the dog doing it and “it looks so fun, Mommy!”, but sure, he can totally understand immigration law. 

Aw, they’re so happy.

How great would it be if random organisations started kicking him out as an act of solidarity against child rapists?

I’m sorry. That sounds really rough.

This is horrifying. If I have a miscarriage, I want that fetal tissue to go to research if at all possible, so that it can save other lives. If I have an abortion, same thing. I want it to be used for research so that lives can be saved. That is MY fucking choice. After all, a parent can opt for their child’s organs

Don’t touch us without our consent. Listen to our voices. We’re not second class citizens who need old white men with fake piety telling us what we can and cannot do with our bodies. Which you’re not allowed to touch without our consent. Hearing me, legislators? #commonsense #respect

Americans are so desensitized to war, they’ve forgotten we’re still in Iraq and Afghanistan. Howard Stern pointed out that a helicopter full of the Air Force’s elite pararescue died last week, and no one cares. These guys’ motto “So that others may live”. They jump in when missions go to shit, and save our people.

TRUMP: I can’t believe you did this, Michael. I’ve said it before—we have to be more careful with the cyber.
COHEN: ...What?
TRUMP: The tapes. They’re part of the cyber
COHEN: No, they’re...
TRUMP: But email is.
COHEN: Email is, in a way, yes.
TRUMP: Part of the cyber. So what are tapes?
COHEN: They’re just...tapes.

If you live in a city, there is probably a diaper bank that you can donate them to. If not, churches will often gladly take them. Probably the best place to ask would be at local food shelf; they’re likely to know what other resources might exist, and might actually accept diapers as well.

“Write about what you’re obsessed with.”

How hard is it to sell soap? Good lord.

I just had a c section in May after a failed induction. I can only speak from my own perspective, but I was in labor for 24 hours before the c section. I was induced at 41 weeks after a picture perfect pregnancy (only gained 15 pounds, never had the pregnant lady was amazing). My ob/gyn suggested that I be

Or create a setup with automatons, make a papier-mache installation that slowly crumbles down, Use puppetering, use consenting humans, make an animated shortfilm, ....plenty of ideas and I’m a self-declared uninspired hack.

This is fucking insane. This isn’t art. This is cruel. The “artists’” comments really put it over the edge. There is no reason the Guggenheim should endorse this especially after the comments. Shouldn’t have before either, obviously.

Sorry, but this is not art. This is simply abusing animals. If the “artist” had used consenting humans in the exact same way it would have been a different and more interesting piece.

“These dogs are naturally pugnacious”

This kind of shit is exactly why I left the art world. I saw a vegan I graduated college with (I know she’s vegan because she never shut up about it) defending this because it’s only through “extreme art” that we become “disgusted with ourselves.”

Requires more stars.