
More coupes, less coups.


Woah! Thank you

As a white guy, I had the same thought. BLM got gassed by the National Guard for a peaceful protest outside the white house.

Asking the real hard hitting questions here...

I know that a house can be completed as planned.... giving tesla 10k for something that doesn’t exist or have a real hard date is just really dumb... so people have been doing this for how many years? Paid 10k for something that still doesn’t exist on their 2 year old car? How many more years until it does? How long

This sounds like a great documentary

Holy moly, you must be so upset by Jason’s article to come back and write this novel of mental gymnastics hours later. If those are the hoops your brain has to jump through to justify your purchase, that’s cool. We all work out reasons why we should get cars we don’t need. None of your arguments are the least bit

I can’t even argue. None of what you say makes any sense. You are so down the rabbit hole of Elon you cannot be brought back.

I laughed, but then I didn't...

You’re completely missing the point. It’s great you use the L2 system well and responisbly! Fantastic! That’s great. But the system is being marketed as more than it is, and the need to be vigilant is consistently downplayed. Tesla’s own video shows hands off the wheel. Failover/handoff can’t just be assumed away. If

“Terminator taught us.”

Oh, I’ve been in plenty of engineering autonomous prototypes. The tech is not the problem here. I am excited about the tech. It’s humans. We’re not wired to be in systems that do 90% of the work while simultaneously being ready to take over at any moment. Again, this is not just me saying this--there’s decades of

The site is for people that enjoy driving. The idea of a self driving system, that doesn’t work, is completely unsafe and promotes lazy shitty driving habits goes against every part of my being. Also worth mentioning, Elon is a fucking twat. There are hundreds of Tesla fan boy sites on the internet, go slob on Elons

Torch is one of the best writers on Jalopnik. There is good reason to be skeptical. His point is that calling a system “full self-driving” when it isn’t actually fully self driving is dangerous. It’s an advance drivers aid. Really advance. Torch didn’t dispute that. Kudos to Tesla and what they’ve achieved. Hoorah! It

Perfect sign off. Good luck on your new project!

All the best to you Andrew. I have truly enjoyed your work over the years.

You are one of the best parts of Jalopnik. I look forward to reading wherever you end up. I’m glad (for personal reasons obviously) that your last article was about a beautiful solid axle Toyota. 

A good last article Andrew, but I am sad to see you go! Best of luck on the new project, and I hope you enjoy a break from GMG!