

Exactly. It this is proven by Science and also my gut. NC is the worst (and heaviest) Miata. So much so that all my searches for midlife crisis (read: Ice Cream) cars end at 2004. DBAC is correct.

Nah. Not enough $.

But Jason you missed the important question. Are they the eyes?

Oh. It’s still the answer. That’s the point. 

Damn. I thought it was crazy detailed, then he started on the tires!

Now playing

Ha! I looked up a Dymaxion video with my daughter and everything came full circle. Look who’s in the back seat at about 2:12

Came here to say this. One of my favourite design elements. Might be the main thing that helped me get over the grill.

My favorite feature on the loaner I just had was turning off the screen with two button pushes. 

That’s the great thing, it’s all peak Torch. We are blessed. 

Yes. But because of the realative complexity of an IC engine vs electric. The electric motors are vastly more simple and will be outsourced, yes? Or will they be designing them from scratch. Or am I just crazy and they don’t need that many engineers because the engines are widely shared across platforms?

Here’s an important question and possibly disturbing question, with electric drivetrains being so much simpler, do they need so many engineers?


Wait wait wait wait. Maybe we’ve been looking at this all wrong. If we just call them crossovers they will come back... A rose by any other name.... Still looks awesome.

I’m just excited about the “battering and electric motor tech with the Volt” Battering tech on a Volt is what we need.  

Mic drop.

Wait. That salesman is Alexis Denisof, Wesley from Buffy/Angel. Right? 

Pretty sure you meant you have been running Tailcon for 15 years. 

I realize what’s actually happening here is that online scammers are getting really good at their jobs. They’ve got David nailed anyway (the rest of Jalopnik should be wary of emails about free miatas and brown manual diesel wagons).

Honestly. It doesn’t sound like a bad thing. Just a different one. Fix it up and let’s see it again.