
This. ^^


Hey NJ friend!

Extremely thrilled that you guys wrote up my query, and especially thrilled that there’s a weirdo JDM suggestion on there. I’m digging the profile of that Century.

Leftover 2019 Buick TourX.

I used to read car blogs to ignore reality. But in reality, reality is too hard to ignore. Maybe get a R&T subscription?

Wow, angry AND dumb.

Shut the fuck up. Go read TTAC or something. 

pretty damn sure losing you and your ilk as readers will not cause much damage. Fuck, if you keep following your Dear Leader’s example you and your group of jackasses will be dead by COVID inside of 6 weeks.  Breath deep Seth and feel that freedom fill your lungs.

What is political about referring to facts ongon failure?  Republicans really get sensitive about Trump .. what snowflakes

You don’t speak for me in this or anything.

“but I think I speak for everyone when I say that I... “

Are you what the right calls a “snowflake”?

Don’t like it? Go elsewhere.

be quiet dummy

If you think this is bad, you should have been over at TTAC during the Obama years. Jack Baruth was the worst offender. Haven’t been to TTAC since and I don’t miss it.

But to your point, the pot shot seems a bit non-sequitur.

You guys don’t have to read or comment! Strange that you still do.

Gonna need this image a lot in these comments I think.

Care to mention what part of that quote is "political"? Just because it mentions a supposed politician doesn't make it a political observation. It's a completely factual observation of the current reality we're all facing.

You do you and keep on looking the other way while minorities are self destructing