
Isn’t that just a Mach-E crossover with extra steps?

This is peak Torchinsky. Please never change.

The design is what people in the 80's thought was futuristic. 

Its not even remotely futuristic... And if you truly believe it is, explain how.

So? Making the body panels triple the weight of what they should be will reduce the range. That’s simple physics.

I also like bizarre vehicles. Bizarre can be good. I’m also a Tesla and overall EV fan. This design is a mistake. And hopefully someone at Tesla is reading comments from the web because this is the kind of mistake that can ruin a company. I will give them credit for doing something different. But one step at a time. A

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Sorry, to answer more directly, they could be outsourced, but so far most manufacturers have been keeping their motor designs in-house (BMW, Audi, Porsche, Tesla, etc.). There are actually some pretty cool videos on youtube showing how they build their motors for production!

IC engines are complex in terms of part count/combustion control, yes, but in that same vein, motors, power sources, and controls can be quite complex as well. The Model 3 might be the first EV motor to use a Hallbach array (which steers and focuses magnetic flux in a PM motor) to get the crazy power density, and who

I think the development of both us better for us. Sweet tech is being developed and the demand for pure EVs is huge.

Any sane person would be scared of the Hellcat. I have plenty of experience with high horsepower rear drive cars, and the Hellcat requires the utmost respect or it will kill you. I drove it like there was an egg behind the go pedal. You can step the tail out at north of interstate speeds with a throttle stab.  It’s

Actually, her point was that the car was so unstable in anything but great weather and flat smooth roads, that it was impossible to enjoy it.  It seems pretty clear what she wrote.  Moreover, she described the different situations where the car just did not instill confidence.  What else do you want?  There are tons

Exactly, the 911/Cayenne isn’t a fair analogy. They didn’t call their SUV a 911. The closest we’ve had so far to this is Mitsubishi bringing back the (somewhat) venerated Eclipse name as a CUV, and people were pissed. About the Eclipse. This is worse.

Well holy shit I agree with Torch for once. Maybe he should stick to sports.

car bad name

how dare you besmirch my writing by implying that this take is good

This is a very good take on marketing to consumers. We can all tell that it isn’t really a Mustang, even with those tail lights. 

Who hurt you?

I think we need to start a GoFundMe (or whichever competitor isn’t reflexively anti-union) to buy one of these for Jason. Other than the fact that these appear to be running, it’s about the most Torchinsky vehicle in actual existence. 

asdkfjdk my GOD woman, get your head out of your ass. Sarah, you write shitty teen romance YA, you’re not out here writing the next Booker Prize novel. Of course a college junior, who is presumably in her twenties and you know, at university to challenge herself academically, wants to read something with more

Brilliant! Everybody loves auto play ads.