
Comic Sans typeface IS a crime.

Trains can lose, but whatever they hit never wins.

The train can’t stop in time.

As long as car collectors, V6 muscle car dudebros, Instagram influencers, car YouTubers, and Jay Leno get to keep that glorious noise, I don’t think anyone will care.

But seriously, in a world increasingly trying (and mostly unsuccessfully) transitioning to carbon-neutral, this may become revolutionary for cold weather

I agree. The NTSB investigation will likely be short and the trucker and/or trucking company will be hit hard.

I can’t tell if Priscilla was the person sitting next to him or if it is some sort of pop culture reference. Or maybe it will become one now?

uh, no.

There is no unfortunate turn of events. The transport truck driver is obviously driving an oversized load without the necessary precautions in place to ensure public safety. 

I feel like if you are moving something like that you need to coordinate with the railroad if a crossing is unavoidable.

if the truck driver was really just sitting there waiting for a green light doesn’t make him at fault? You have to be sure you can cross your entire vehicle before attempting to cross any kind of intersection right?

Commuters behind the truck want a word. Just imagine being on your way to work.

It is “dragon” green...

I recently completed a road trip from Boston to Quebec in a Prius—visited a gas station only once (not starting from a full tank either). Also didn’t have to deal with any of the constraints that come with EVs we’re all aware of.

Go price out a new Honda Pilot TrailSport AWD. On a 5 year loan at 5.0% and 10% down payment, you’re already at $847/mo. If you want a large SUV that’s a step up from a Honda, you could easily hit the $1k mark.

Jesus, at that point just go full face mask. You look like budget Daft Punk without it.

that.. looks like a high tech gag ball.