
I think that would be a gigantic mistake and I think Gunn is too smart to make it.

It still astounds me Marvel was able to build a media powerhouse off the backs of characters who were, at the time, B-List.

If ditching Jenkins puts another nail in the coffin of the Snyderverse I'll make that trade.

I just hope WB/DC sticks with their current plan for longer than 5 seconds. It just feels like every year WB fires the people in charge at DC films, appoints someone new to be in charge; that new person greenlights a couple of big movies, and when things feel like they’re finally coming together, WB announces

I would have bet on rogue squadron had I been her. DC movies are pretty garbage and due for a shake-up. Star wars has only been getting better lately.

Just gonna leave this here...

Who the heck would pay to ‘share’ my car anyway? You’d need a car to come get my car from where it’s usually parked (work or home), which would kinda defeat the purpose.

I can’t see how any auto maker would pay to advertise on a platform owned by a competitor. Besides, the only people on twitter are millionaires, billionaires, and politicians and the journalists and fanboys that follow them.

“still engaging on Twitter as appropriate.”

Seriously? I expected the explanation to be something lame, but not that fucking lame.

lol ok boomer

I think you’re overstating the importance of Twitter. I don’t use it and I am none the worse for it (I did try it - I found it to be pointless). Anyway, if it did go down, something else would replace it.

I think he’s underestimating how much good will has been lost by #1. People won’t just forget his idiotic decisions.

When I’m stuck in traffic behind a Model X, I amuse myself by checking out how badly aligned the thousandaire doors are at the top.

The 911 Dakar is a more plausible soft road sports car. This just feels like an appearance package for Coloradan crypto bros.

This is the part of the equation no one talks about that really pisses me off. I’m very not a climate change denier, in fact, I feel we are at the point we need to start moving mountains pretty soon if we don’t want to be facilitating Earth’s next Great Die-Off. But I think we’ve put all our collective eggs in the EV

Impossible. I’ve been told my entire life, by nearly everyone, EV’s are better for the globe than ICE’s.

Welcome to the electric future. If it wasn’t an Chinese backed refinery, it would have been a NA company, a EU company, or etc...
