
Must be nice to have that kind of money and time.

Right down to the end of this article I was thinking “... I can make this happen I can make this happen”. I guess I don’t know jack shit, I was hoping for low 100s lol
Guess I’ll stick with my WRX hatchback I lifted and put chunky tires on

Hey don’t blame Larry he tried to warn yall 

No kidding. Never thought I’d be sitting here thinking, “man, I wish Lewis was in the title fight this year” but here we are. 

Lewis must be gnashing his teeth thinking “why couldn’t this have happened last year?”

What bias?

Max was almost a full car length behind on the approach to turn 2 before he lunged it up the inside without a hope of making that corner without using the Merc as a brake. That’s why he got a penalty. Yes Hamilton could’ve given a little bit more room, but the crash was not his fault. Max has a brake pedal too.

Yeah the radio message wasn’t even in code like the infamous multi 21, it was straight forward just let Checo through.

M’baku does not agree with the ways of T’Challa’s line, or the unnatural powers given by the heart-shaped herb. He will reject taking the herb, as he will not need it, for you will address him as M’baku, or witness the might of the Jabari tribe firsthand.

That’s my reading too. T’challa was taking the throne unopposed until M’Baku showed up, so it’s obviously usual for the throne to be assumed that way.

Without Checo, last seasons WDC could have wound up being a different story. Max had a choice to solidify a relationship with his teammate based on appreciation and mutual respect that literally would have costed him nothing in terms of his season. Instead, he chose to poison the well. The SEB/WEB debacle ended

Is anybody really surprised to see max is actually racing for team max and not team Red Bull? I’m certainly not. 

I also interpreted this scene as Shuri abdicating the throne to M’Baku - supported by the scene when she bargains to allow the City’s refugees to build temporary settlements on Jabari land, “The people will owe you much...”. Shuri doesn’t want to rule, and M’Baku had been acting increasingly like a leader of the whole

Namor gave Shuri the bracelet for one simple reason...he was thinking with the wrong head. 

I took it that Shuri intentionally didn’t show up, probably even send M’Baku to challenge her, thus abdicating gthe thronetoi hi, Did she realyl want to be Q Queen?

I think it made it pretty clear Shuri has no intention of being Queen. She’s arranged it with M’Baku for him to challenge with nobody there to challenge, which makes him uncontested ruler.

I saw somebody online saying that Andor is what Star Wars is when you exclude the Force: a terrible dystopia where people are trying to eke by.

That’s the correct take.

majority of people who buy his cars are progressives.

Musk yesterday ask everyone to vote Republican in today’s election. Yet, I’m guessing the majority of people who buy his cars are progressives. I know they sure are around where I live and I bet they will never buy another Tesla.