
So they became like every other luxury manufacturer. I understand the reason, I just don’t like it.

That’s a bad situation and nor way to make fun of it.

Fines that steep will Hel*sink*i your bank account.

S660 Kei car in Norway, you say?


Wait, so it could be a LOT of fun if you have a sports car that’s inexpensive, fun at legal speed, and comes with decent fuel economy? I could think of only one car that fits all of the above.

The stiff ticket penalty makes speeding un-fjord-able. 

Doesn’t make sense. They’ve already started leaving sections of bodywork unpainted to reduce weight, not like these screens will weigh less than the sponsor decal they’re replacing...?

1998 Green screen technology. I know, not on the car, but similar idea.

Put down the bottle man. 

Putin is the biggest pussy in the world. If he wants Ukraine so bad, then why doesn’t he suit up and fight with his troops?

i like how you were able to just nonchalantly take the 10 minute charge time discussed in the article triple it because otherwise you’d find yourself comparing a 10 minute stop to your 7 minute stop and that just won’t do

If nuclear weapons are being used, the last thing I will worry about is flight delays.  Unless I happened to have a flight booked for New Zealand.

The 00's being vintage...

11th Gen Ford Thunderbird (2002-2005)

Boeing should be hung out to dry for this one. This entire mess was caused by a commission structure rewarding executives who convinced Boeing customers to not take any new training. There are emails clearly stating this. 

$1500 to play Meeting Simulator in VR.

Well, not the best, and I am biased, but I love the BMW S54. The only thing I believe keeping it from greatness is it doesn’t sound very good.

Also, on the complete opposite side of the spectrum, (and no, still not the “best”), but the GM 3800, (especially later series), was excellent. Well built, economic, good and

I’ve seen more than a few executives that just use a tablet with a keyboard and I’m always baffled by it, but yeah, if you’re not actually doing any work beyond emails, meetings, and maybe some spreadsheet / powerpoint work, I suppose it’s doable.

I’ve had several flashbacks recently to Gizmodo over a decade ago around when the iPad was announced where one blogger in particular (Jesus Diaz) thought we’d be using tablets for everything, work included, in a handful of years. Some people (executives and so-called “journalists” included) don’t really have any