
On the other hand, I can spend five minutes gassing up my normal car, and sit in the cool blast of aircon again. This is why charging tech just isn’t there yet, all those forced long breaks. Until charging tech can recharge in the same timeframes of gas station fill ups, then it is not yet practicable; and stunts like

I mean, in-ground pools are just wet holes in the ground. What a weird take.

Not for nothing, people with “Challenger” in their usernames on this site also habitually make the worst comments

My city just installed these big metal cylinders that come out of the pavement to block off roads in its historic district for outdoor events. Put those at each end of the bridge. Let it get nice and full. Raise them up. No way out. Everybody doing dumb people shit on that bridge gets impounded, fined and or arrested.

That’s a troubled bridge over water.

Yep. For a long time I thought that was because they were bracing against the downwash, but after I got to approach a running helicopter in real life I realized it’s because the main rotor is terrifying and you don’t really know where it is, so you give it a WIDE berth.

You took a private helicopter from a resort island back to the mainland in order to catch a private flight home?

The thing is - he ran into a moving tail rotor. It doesn’t matter why, it doesn’t matter how cautious and wary a person he was. He walked into his own demise. It’s a tragic incident and I don’t blame people for looking for...something. blame, anger, etc.

Fenton was on his phone ignoring people yelling at him to stop. You don’t need to have been raised around helicopters to pay attention around them.

Darwin +1

This is the advantage of NOTAR and enclosed tail-rotor designs.

Agreed, on both counts.

In a matter of only a few years the act of taking a selfie has gone from being a fun social thing to do, to becoming something that looks incredibly trashy and ignorant. I’m so over these thirsty, desperate-for-attention insta-bores.

Yes but not if you’ve spent your life never being told no.

Situational awareness is everything.

Just being distracted in thought is enough. We had a young lady killed here. She got off the bus (not school) and just walked around the front to cross the street and walked right into traffic.  End of her day, unfortunately.  It is amazing what people will do when their mind’s pre-occupied.

I can’t believe anyone around a chopper wouldn’t immediately have respect for the machine. Helicopters’ rotors mean business; every employee understands that.  

That’s some quick compassion on the part of the pilot. Nobody needs to see that.
