
I think Top Gear would be fine, but Chris Evans has been a mistake since day one. The OG Trio have all been car guys, they were all journalists to some extent, and their work outside of TG is still on the journalism side.

Everybody Hates Chris.

This just in: Bran is a giant dick through time and space.

The day companies get penalized for the day we have democracy back...

I think companies need to be penalized for reporting false flags. That is the only way this kind of things are less likely to happen.

Now playing

Meanwhile the guys at Turn 10 have been going batshit insane.

Screw driving. That is going to be the greatest Photo Mode in human or any other history.

Come on, there’s not a single bit of innocent bystander smeared across the hood…

“Oi trees ave bilt in trackas, Gov!”

Holy shit this is awesome. Chavs still exist. This one has a curved telly.

You sure this wasn’t just footage cut from the movie Snatch?

Now THAT looks like a toilet seat.

I feel like even a simple, metal shift knob would have been more appropriate. Anything to dial up the retro factor and make it special.

Don’t forget Spyker

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt is coming true

This is fucking stupid internet drama. That there is even drama over the fact that they won’t fly someone out to cosplay for their show is fucking stupid. WTF? Is this a thing now? Hiring remote cosplayers? Dafaq?

I'm not proud but that sandwich thing makes me hungry.

I’m voting Lewis Hamilton for driver of the day.