Elon’s Muskerteers
Elon’s Muskerteers
So much more fun than a street circuit
More road to drive around on
You mean Tik Tok
For the Tik Toks
Where's Auto Modellista?
24hr Lemans with every other car the same is BORING
24h Nurburgring is more fun with "real" cars
I agree, doing away with the turnstiles makes travelling feel much more open. But also becos their society/culture is civil enough to make it work.
But guns though
Let us know when they finally finish making the game
USDM Mitsuoka?
British build quality with Italian electrics! Best in the biznass!
Super quick oppo lock?
1.21 jigawatts!!!
Nurburgring 24hr had some great merch that wasn't too expensive. Great fun too!
While Geely now owns both, I’d doubt they’d let Lotus live off the back of Volvo. Lotus will need to generate their own profits.
Max sure was whiney