
Except.... when you are in Japan.

And then no Z4M.... 

Death of the 1 series. A moment of silence please. 

Now playing

I thought the sequel was a pretty fun movie and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Is the movie worth watching? Gave up on the T-formers movies long ago. 

Drive angry

Nebula is so cute

Well, now, don’t you tell me to smile
You stick around I’ll make it worth your while... 

What's the deeeaaaaallll with porsche? 

They did previously smash a 944

Similar thing happened to my E30... except it was crushed in from the rear.  :[

Ahhhh..... I was pronouncing it “ducks” “huund” ...

Renault Twingo James May edition

Mitsubishi Pajevo

And it can be read in Chinese as literally, 7 wheels. 

tssshhhhbahhsh tshhhbahhhhsh sphewsuuuussshhhhhh~~~~~~~

I don’t really want to be inside Adam

German engineering ja

Because Porsche = German = Porsche + BMW + VW Group hooking up = EV superiority / Byebye Tesla.