
Wat about 944s?

I went last year and stayed through the night (on BMW’s coin) it was rad. Most memorable part? Watching the sun rise whilst on a bridge overlooking the track and having race cars thunder through underneath you. Magic.

MCM + Edd China pls

Fixed it

L u x u r y y y

Make this Kia go away!!!

Here are Polestar 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 throwing down.

Look at me! I’m Angry!!!!!!!

Whigh seat if I want to get to know the stewardesses?

BMW: Let’s make ze sportscar with ze manual transmission! It ist gut idea ja?

Prepare to not get shot?

Can Tesla just rename the autopilot button to “not autopilot”? Like come on

BBS shd remake their turbofans

I used to almost always get the sniffles on flights. Now i use a face-mask. So far so good.

My jaw pretty much dropped at that night time time lapse and the video from the drone following your car long the top of the ridge. Omg. Spectacular spectacular. Well done!!!

And history channel had history?

So dragon-worthy

Why terrifying future? I mean, it’s no mad max.

On one hand i dislike the legibility, on the other hand, i see where this series is going... Let us know when they start attaching laser cannons to the cars.

So shiny.......