
Does stealing it count as a hack?

Where's the KUDOs meter?

I wonder what that "whack" sounds like, but at the same time i don't.

Show me the money!!!!

Alien sext

Out of context but i really love the sound of those jets powering up

What's up with those Celica GT4s ah?

Egads! At least you stayed clear of the non-Ms.

When are you gonna be on /Drive?

Why isn't it called Bulldog 2000?

Don't ever write anything about E36/46s k?

When does Vtec kick in?

It's a cover up. This thing will fly like on that Avengers movie.

Stop replying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's a trap!!!

No turbo , no buyo.

Poor Toyota got left out again :(

BMW - "The ultimate driving machine" era, not the current "Sheer Driving Pleasure" era.

Careful, they might sue you for saying the word Ferr.... wait....


Nice graphics! Ps4?