
This seems to have been the central issue with a lot of Square Enix’s western games.

WB has said they’re “all in” on GAAS games so... yeah.. 

i stan mid games. one of my faves from last year was wanted: dead, a game so aggressively mid that i’m sure barely anyone played or even remembers it. what happened with suicide squad is something different imo. it, at least from the outside looking in, feels like a game built to chase a deadend trend in the hopes of

I’m reminded of how Michael Eisner basically saved Disney by producing one or two expensive tentpole films per year surrounded by a bunch of low-budget, good-but-not-outstanding movies. Basically the entirety of Touchstone kept the company solvent. The fucking Ernest films prevented a hostile takeover of Disney. And

while Barret is off doing something that the movie doesn’t explain

Comparing Suicide Squad to Hogwarts Legacy is like listening to the sales team leaders where I work comparing advertising sales from major election years to years without elections and then expecting the same results.

Utter foolishness, just like the idea everything must be driven by ever increasing sales at all cost.

Who needs chocolate chip when chocolate chip cookie dough exists?

There are things an animator’s pen can do that digital effects simply can’t.

to be fair, the third disc was only the final battle, so it’s mostly just one disc worth.

Seriously fuck your slideshows Kotaku.

Hold on, if breathless Kotaku commentors from a month ago are to be believed, it’s like totally coming out this March, but summer the absolute latest!!!

Holy shit, you guys. There is absolutely nothing about the information that you’re trying to communicate that is, in any way, enhanced by placing it in slideshow format. This is getting ridiculous.

Green Yoshi from Super Mario World 🙃 

Give me the party member that shoots you down not because of gender or sexuality but because “You’re making it weird, just because we’re friends and adventuring buddies doesn’t mean I’m DTF”

a. i wrote a comment above that echoes a lot of this

I mean sure, if you ignore the love stories of Tidus and Yuna, Zidane and Garnet, Cloud and Tifa, Locke and Celes, and Zell and Hotdogs, then yeah, Squall and Rinoa clearly have the best love story.

It bothers me that they didn’t name the event...

Apps like that already exist. They can analyze bird calls, too!

Here’s the engagement you asked for

Man, those quips got old fast. There’s something to be said for Nintendo’s penchant for having characters speak in unintelligible gibberish that can be tailored for maximum appeal.