
So its gonna be GameFAQs but worse? 

Watched over 1000(!) episodes of the anime and largely agree that Horizons is missing something that makes it a must watch or even a good recommendation.

Pokemon Training is treated more like a professional sport in-universe than the dog fighting critics say it is. The importance of Trainers listening to their Pokemon to strengthen their bond is enforced in almost every episode.

They’ve done spinoff shows, specials, and even regular series episodes without him, but Horizons will be the first full series of the weekly Pokemon anime where Ash is completely absent.


It makes more sense after Resurrection F showed that whoever’s revived is brought back in the state they were in right before they died.

You can only bring someone back who died of unnatural causes.

Never thought I’d imagine a scenario where Cait Sith catfished Cloud but here we are.

Does Cloud really need a soulmate when he can go on a date with a different member of his party and his mortal enemy every day of the week?

Red is underaged sort-of.

Cid made his choice before he even met Cloud.

Just wait until you figure out what happens to her at the end! 

I’d prefer to go there and have a starry animated background, rainbow colored text, Riona.gifs, a tonberry hit counter, and an midi rendition of Man With a Machine Gun blaring in my ear.

Site’s made in Wordpress instead of Geocities Neocities. Boo/Hiss.

Stuff like this makes me glad I grew up in a community where everyone was too poor to afford anything. Hard to bully when you can’t afford it, either.

Get that you’re doing it for SEO purposes but can’t you mix it up with the “Mario Maker” crap? In a Zelda article? It’s tiresome.

You’re essentially arguing that developers should make more slop

If selling 24 million (plus DLC) for nearly double the price of Palworld’s 25 million is “failing”, I want to know how you define “success”

Would’ve said Vanilla was the most popular flavor. Oops.

It’s not terrible. It’s just not great either