Probably better he figure it out himself, then provide the word. It's so ugly. Please delete the comment
Probably better he figure it out himself, then provide the word. It's so ugly. Please delete the comment
...And then the same bunch of idiots making this point took Columbus Day off because it's a federal holiday. Oh gosh, cat got your tongue?
I see what you did there. I SEE IT!
and gave them smallpox, to boot.
Yeah i am not contesting that she was cherokee. It's a problem however when people claim a heritage that they are not interested in protecting and merely use it as a way to claim an "exotic" ancestral past.
My Uncle drives a Jeep Cherokee. Therefore, not racist.
Yeah that's one of the most maddening aspects of cultural appropriation: you can claim a heritage you don't have but don't actively participate in keeping that culture alive.
Because a lot of the people who make such claims want to feel connected to an "exotic" past/ancestor which somehow makes them special. It's an easy way to appropriate a cultural heritage without having to be held accountable for how that culture continues to be destroyed and denigrated.
This was horrible. I mean these fans were having a good time minding their own business, when all of a sudden a bunch of strangers barge in invading their space, trying to force their beliefs on them, calling them names and leaving the fans feeling totally denigrated and completely attacked.... wait...
Exactly. My best guess is it's just shorthand for that absurd (but still shockingly prevalent) idea that, basically, brown skin = at least a little bit inherently untrustworthy.
The Heart of Scouting Darkness
Sounds like Danny's got a little racist in him. And I don't say that in a bad way. I mean that in a…
eh...the problem with that is as obvious as the war on drugs. Stupid.
Lunacy. Pretty soon these Commies are going to gun kids down in the street for petty theft!
hush now you purist. go back to feeding from the TEET
You dont know man, stop pretending life is so damn easy and perfect. You kind of people make me sick you think you have all the answers then life hits you with a curveball and you lose your shit. Eat ass you pretentious punk.
Never, whore.