
the gummiberry juice from the Adventures of the Gummi-Bears cartoon. Drinking it gave you super powers.

In real life and fiction:

What if God was one of us? / Just a slob like one of us / Just a stranger on the bus / Trying to make His way home / If God had a face /What would it look like?

There is also a scene in season 3 episode 11 "The lesser of two evils" Where Bender and Flexo compare serial numbers and have a laugh. Flexo: 3370318 Bender: 2716057.

"Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody."

WTF? How do you screw up the soundtrack for anything related to Ironman?

It looks just like the diagram!!

Taxation is no more theft or looting than it is theft or looting for a bunch of friends to split the cost of a pizza. Now maybe we can debate whether we want a large pizza or a small one and what toppings we should get, but to expect that we can get a pizza for nothing just because we don't like paying for it is

Yerp. Pretty much anything taken to an extreme tends to be harmful. Anyone who thinks Rand's work could ever make sound policy is pretty much the definition of an extremist asshole.

Okay, back from getting LED bulbs. Gotta save the planet somehow, right? ;-)

I think it flows from belief in and unquestioning trust for 'Sky Daddy' and just concatenates from there.

I think your assumption's been wrong from the start. You're approaching things from a 'He's an idiot who doesn't know about simple science shit' point of view. But yet I've been reading and studying whatever's caught my eye regarding the sciences for the last 45-50 years, and it's impossible to NOT put together a

I will let the deniers have their way of looking at things IF they agree Global Warming is happening on some level. So what are we going to do as s species about the consequences? It's like arguing about who left the lit cigarette in the couch, while the house burns down around you.

It seems to me that the American conservative mindset is set firmly in a foundation of faith; whether it's Jesus or Fox News, belief is unshakeable, even in the face of facts. I think that's why so many were so let down in the last election- Fox News had Romney winning by a healthy margin, facts be damned.

"we aren't trying to save the planet (the planet will be fine, though likely different) we're trying to save ourselves"

I don't really get climate change deniers (not sceptics; it's not about scepticism). You can experimentally prove that CO2 is a greenhouse gas (that is, it absorbs infrared radiation). And we've kicked out 350 gigatonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere since 1750 (and you can prove this is the primary contribution to the

Your arguments are worn-out, stale, and have been debunked for years, yet they crop up every time climate change is discussed. Can we officially ignore these points from people who can't be bothered to do the least amount of reading on this issue?

It was always global warming. Ever since concerns have been raised about climate change, papers supporting warming have far outnumbered any about cooling. It's still global warming. The global temperature is warming. The end. "Climate change" is just scientists having to cater to cretins such as yourself who can't

Deniers have been turning their nose up at all evidence they don't like for years. I don't see that changing any time soon.