So basically... DayZ:Medevil
This looks like what "Forever War" video game would be.
PC release?
I remember seeing the grill cook drop a steak on the floor but because it was the only one we had for this special request party he had to wash it in the boiling water and just drench it with sauce. The party said all the food was delicious.
As if Russia wasn't big enough already...
One of my favorite things to do in Half-Life was put on noclip and explore the different area's you normally couldn't. And doing a kill everyone run with no clip is fun as hell.
Someone I know got a bag of these chips here in the US.... From Korea for his GF for Valentines Day.
It cost him over 20$.
I always thought Elsa was Chrystal Maiden from Dota...
Fuckin loved this piece!
Whats rule 34
Resident Evil 2 and Nemesis were the best.
Not just Korean's but alot of Asian countries in general... and Europe.... and the US... matter fact the whole god damn world is pretty racist.
If my flowers smelled like kimchi id be fuckin pissed too.
Apparently video game boobs are made of Jello.
I always wondered why they never made world war 2 style legos... Too many bad memories?
Wouldn't a robotic cyborg body make you stronger, faster and my resilient?