
“I could take you to this place I know in Mos Eisley. Oh, sure, it’s a wretched hive of scum and villainy, but they take their cuisine very seriously. They do this sweet-and-sour porg that’s to die for. Or if that doesn’t do it for you, steamed porg buns. Porg stir fry. You ever tried wookiee? Yeah, I know they’re

I would legit buy a fictional creature cookbook written by him.

Steve “Mo” Frye has the best answer.

Holy shit. It was not fun watching Roy Moore hold a lead for the entire night. Though it was satisfying to have it reverse with less than 10% of precincts left. Huzzah for meeting some basic level of human decency in Alabama.

God you’re insufferable.

The Legend Of Zelda: The Breath Of The Wild: The Champions’ Ballad: The Kotaku Review: The Beginning


Sims receiving blumpkins in bar bathrooms. What a time to be alive.

Yes. Although I would also accept a headless clone of Agnew as a butler though I do worry about his vulnerability to golf carts in a retirement community....

Yeah, and the best humanity has is a white, blond, blue eyed symbol of perfection brought about by eugenics. The roaches hold their guns to the side. It’s just a gross racist mess.

Dude. They’re roaches. With huge, bulging, white eyes, large lips, clearly sloped foreheads to indicate low intelligence, seemingly nappy “hair”, and they all use clubs and are obsessed with brutality.

Yes, it will be wonderful now he can return to producing this racist dreck.

I am actually horrified that this is being publicized here like it’s a good thing. Shame.

Pretty easy to break this play book down; Betting pool amongst the players. You’re welcome.

I’d drink too if my car was endlessly prone to vapor lock.

Hey, remember when on live TV a drunk Joe Namath sold Suzy Kolber that he wanted to kiss her?

It can if people get out and fucking vote to kick these republicans out.

If Democrats can manage to get out the vote next year and take back control of Congress, it’s altogether possible to stop it even earlier...the bad part is that there are too many shills on the left, too.

“It’s funny ‘cause it’s true!!!”

The decision is the “will of the American people.”