
So Frozen was actually the story about Crystal Maiden? Whodathunk

Lol this is my kind of cat.

So basically, the anime version of a person will look nothing like the actual person... Well I give them the hair but that's it.

TL DR: Waiting for Fallout 4

Love this guy.

Well it looks like only some robots choose to wear clothes. I can assume then thats because the robots have AI, therefor must have personalities. So personal preference, they like to look nice.

Great movie.

I thought my interest in pc gaming was waning because I was getting older... but no. Its because of this shit. Oh not to mention half assed "Early Release" gambles and the all time favorite, "Rush Release" .

I don't get why everything is so damn shiny in Dying Light.

Whats her name.

While working as a cook I always wondered why the restaurant I worked at was always featured in the County/State food and wine magazines because well... frankly the restaurant wasn't all that great and very past it's prime. Then I found out they food/wine critics who worked for those magazines get free meals and wine

That guy looks hella racist.

"Rods from God" aka Orbital Bombardment Platform sounds cool but in reality something like that would be prohibitively expensive and impractical.

No love for Fallout huh.

I used to work as a cook and I remember about 50 - 80% of the wild fish had parasites/worms in them. It happens with farm raised but not as often. And bottom feeders... ugh the worst. There was also one time we got a huge sword fish and found a worm that was almost 12 inches long when we cut into it.

I miss 90's era PSM's.

hotdog made from chicken? Disgusting!

I guess in the world of humidifiers, industry standard designs are unheard of.

I guess in the world of humidifiers, industry standard designs are unheard of.

Are there any survival games that have been finished?