After watching so many anime in my life, its come to a point where the novelty has worn off and its hard to watch anymore.
After watching so many anime in my life, its come to a point where the novelty has worn off and its hard to watch anymore.
This game is more frustrating that fun, I mean sure they first few dozen times you accidentally murder your patient is hilarious. But when you actually want to successfully treat you patient, womp womp.
As if by paying taxes you have direct input in the militarization of the police force...
This show makes cheese and crackers seem more delicious than they already are.
Sweet blue stuffs is acceptable.
Is sushi not raw meat?
I broke my legs walking into a house.
It's like mixing Coke and Pepsi.
Other than the fact why is that dog on a segway, why is that guy running in sandals?
I like ants.
Resident Evil 2...
Used to play the game back in elementary school at my friends house at like 2 in the morning in the basement with no lights. Then there's that one hallway that licker falls out the ceiling.
Seriously, I need to see a replay to believe it.
Still #1
Same as last month.
(Starsiege) Tribes & Tribes 2.