If the inside of your computer has dead things in it, I would be more worried about the rest of your home.
If the inside of your computer has dead things in it, I would be more worried about the rest of your home.
A friend of mine has this same problem... he has over 10,000$ worth of games, consoles, devices and what not and he said he has only even played maybe 20 or 30 games out of a collection of over 1000 games. Most games are still in the wrapper. You could say its an investment or a retirement fund. Albeit a very risky…
If anyone wants to play or wants help learning the basics I will help. Add me on steam...
If you want to play add me on steam, ill coach you through some games.
Shut your dirty whore mouth.
Between this and the Division, I really hope they are what they seem to be but considering past experiences with almost all Ubisoft games... This is me every time I see a Ubisoft game demo...
I think they ment "Pre Rendered"
Will this be on PC?
Looks promising, but I remain cautious.
It would be neat if they added voice augmentation features.
I used to play a mod for half-life that was a revolutionary war shooter where you choose either the british or american side. Sounds pretty lame but it was always one of my favorites, I found extreme enjoyment in the fact that the guns were SOOO inaccurate that even if you point directly at them crouching you have a…
For the Sims 3, my brother spent over 300$ of various expansion packs and stuff packs so I didn't have too (Thank Baby Jesus).
Only people I know who like are women who have sisters.
Man I am so glad I dont live in Australia... I almost crashed my car because I saw a daddy long leg crawling up my shirt on my drive to work.
I am surprised that there hasn't been a mention of mental illness because clearly these kids are fucked up in their head.
Whenever I played GTA4 I would get into a car (preferably fast sports car), switch to first person mode so it looks like I'm seeing out the front windshield. I would then proceed to go as fast as I could as far as I could only on the sidewalk and try to run over as many people as possible.
I dont do this in real life.
One to many concussions perhaps.
Maybe he had one to many concussions.
Why is the "Texas BBQ Sandwich" only available in the UK. Da fuq?
Is it just me or... does that game look like shit?